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Guest Loyalty: 5 ways to use it in 2024 to increase direct bookings

This is how you create a digital experience across the entire guest journey

Lindemann Hotels

The LINDEMANN HOTELS® group was founded in 1993 and it has incredible properties in the heart of Berlin, with the charm of the different aspects of the German capital.

Last year, the German hotel group LINDEMANN HOTELS® took on the challenge of digitizing its business at its properties in the heart of Berlin. In this story, we meet Jennifer Seeckt, Head of Sales and Customer Relations, and Martin Kochanski, Head of Online Marketing. Both of them explain the key points they chose to make their choice and the benefits they have gained today.

For this digital transition, LINDEMANN HOTELS® has extended the digital check-in and check-out, including the registration form and the digital key, in cooperation with Salto, Apaleo and Adyen. These solutions allow the hotel group to automate the entire check-in and check-out process as well as the payment option and door opening. As for Bookboost, Lindemann uses the Customer Data Platform, Unified Inbox and the Multi-Channel CRM.

In addition, Bookboost's 2-way integration with the group's PMS system, Apaleo, allows guest data to flow between the two platforms, bringing a wide set of possibilities.

The origin of the digital transition of internal processes

The goal of the digitalization of LINDEMANN HOTELS® was to attract and support its customers digitally throughout the entire customer journey, from the moment of booking to the stay and beyond. These new digital processes have enabled them to offer a modern customer service while optimizing and facilitating the daily life of hotel staff.

"We considered how we could offer our guests a contemporary hotel experience with streamlined processes. That means no waiting times, no paper forms, no unnecessary steps - such as downloading an app", said Jennifer Seeckt, Head of Sales & Customer Relations.

The implementation and benefits of Bookboost

The Bookboost communication platform has changed the way LINDEMANN HOTELS® communicates.

"Whether it’s on the website, after the booking has been made or during and after a stay, Bookboost enables us to have control over all incoming and outgoing communication which makes communication more consistent and efficient", said Martin Kochankski, Head of Online Marketing.

Indeed, for inbound communication, the group, owning several properties, uses the unified inbox to respond instantly to guests’ messages. If they have any special needs or questions, guests can reach the hotel and be helped quickly. The perceived benefit to LINDEMANN HOTELS® is to provide an excellent level of communication service and to be there for the guest at any time.

Regarding outbound communication, they are using the Multi-Channel CRM to provide personalised and segmented messages. For example, an mail is automatically sent to their guests at the time of their reservation confirmation. A few days before their stay, they are also reminded to register online or to fill out the digital registration form. The different messages sent are sent at the most convenient times and through different channels, depending on the guests’ preference.

60% of guests are checking in online and 40% are paying online

The transformation has been clearly beneficial in every aspect, not only for the team but for guests too. Now LINDEMANN HOTELS® provides a consistent digital experience for hotel guests which takes the burden off the front desk that is often under the load of a large amount of work.

Not only they have replaced the paperwork with digital forms, but the hotel implemented a new WhatsApp channel that allows guests to receive all the information instantly and without any hassle. In addition, they are using Bookboost's Multi-Channel CRM to automate their workflows, meaning that campaigns can be sent without any manual work, leading to creating powerful guest journeys. According to Jennifer, guests are checking-in online, paying online, and this gives the team time to be hosts again, which means time to personalise service and help guests get the most out of their stay.

Discover more about Lindemann's story in this video interview!

Main takeaways from Lindemann Hotels

- Always prioritise modernity for memorable stays

Embrace digital tools to create modern, hassle-free guest experiences. Say goodbye to waiting times and paper forms, streamlining guest interactions for convenience and efficiency.

- Focus on efficient and personalised communication

Just like Jennifer, you can use triggers and personalisation tokens to be able to reach guests in a different way. Remember: returning guests don't need the same information as a first-timer. There you have a chance to elevate their experience by providing information that delivers actual value.

- Streamline workflows for exceptional guest journeys

Swap paper forms for digital ones and introduce channels like WhatsApp for quick information delivery. You can use a CRM to automate processes and send messages which leads to a more personalised and hassle-free guest experience, freeing up your team to focus on providing top-notch service.

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