Next webinar -> June 5th
Guest Loyalty: 5 ways to use it in 2024 to increase direct bookings

Customer Stories

See how our customers are growing their businesses.
Wellness tourism, Guest communication

How to use technology in wellness tourism to cater to the modern traveller

Explore how Nook Society creates personalised campaigns to increase guest satisfaction and build real connections.
Nook Society
Guest loyalty, Marketing Automation

This is how you use automation to grow guest loyalty and save time

Discover how Yours Truly leverages automation to streamline operations, personalize the guest journey, and ultimately boost guest loyalty.
Yours Truly
Operational Efficiency, Guest experience

How to streamline front-desk operations and elevate your guest experience

Gambino used Bookboost to streamline front-desk operations and personalise the guest experience, improving both employee and guest satisfaction.
Gambino Hotels
Guest Experience, Operational Efficiency

This is how you design an effortless guest experience & enhance internal cooperation

YellowSquare used Bookboost to enhance guest communication and department collaboration, improving their guest experience and operations.
Direct Bookings, Guest Loyalty

Recover your guest details from OTAs and increase direct bookings

Room Republic partnered with Bookboost to digitalize operations, reduce OTA dependency, and improve guest communication. Discover how they did it!
Room Republic
Guest satisfaction, marketing

This is how you create a multi-channel guest journey to increase guest satisfaction

STAYERY added WhatsApp to their guest journey and was able to personalise and track all their communications.
Operational efficiency, online check-in

Increase online check-in rates & automate your entire guest journey

Capsule Hotel added new channels to their guest journey and centralised all their communications, saving time and making their work more efficient.
Capsule Hotel
Guest satisfaction, operational efficiency

This is how you increase guest satisfaction and team efficiency in your property

Hakuba Hotel Group released their staff from unnecessary tasks and improved the whole guest journey by automating parts of the workflow.
Hakuba Hotel Group
Operational efficiency, marketing

This is how you save up to 2 hours per day using automation

Northern Lights Village optimised its communications, not only saving time for its staff but also making its campaigns more effective.
Northern Lights Village
Guest satisfaction, operational efficiency

This is how you create a digital experience across the entire guest journey

Learn the key points they chose to make their choice and the benefits they have gained today.
Lindemann Hotels
Conversion, guest experience

Increase Click-through Rates up to 290x in your marketing campaigns

Ruby Hotels has improved conversion and reduced costs as a result of direct messaging engagement with its guests.
Ruby Hotels
Revenue, guest experience

How to Increase Operational Efficiency while Making 5-digit Savings

The hotel focused on developing its digital communications to meet traveller expectations while providing centralised customer service.
Revenue, cross-selling

“Bookboost, the perfect cross-sell tool for hotels”

Jorplace's parking sales increased by 87% in just 3 weeks, and 100% of the bookings came from Bookboost!
Operational efficiency, guest satisfaction

How Tylösand communicates with guests before, during and after the stay

Hotel Tylösand used Bookboost to create a better digital guest experience on their website.
Hotel Tylösand
Guest experience, marketing

Superbude Hotels Found a Unique Approach within Hospitality

We asked Jörn Hoppe how they make such a big impact on today’s traveller. Have a look at the video for his story!
Superbude Hotels
Guest experience, guest satisfaction

How CityHub Treats Each Guest as the Unique Individual They Are

Why improving the traditional hotel experience is critical to win in today's era.
Revenue, cross-selling

“With Bookboost, we have seen a significant improvement in guest satisfaction.”

Maika decided to utilize the Proactive Guest Messaging Tool to make her guests felt taken care of during the guest journey.
Jorplace Beach Hostel
Operational Efficiency

Grand Hotel Lund automated 92% of their repetitive questions

With Bookboost, Grand Hotel Lund managed to save time and create a better digital experience for their guests.
Grand Hotel Lund

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