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5 must try functions of a hotel CRM & clean guest data for marketers

Improve your hotel marketing with clean guest data and a hospitality CRM. Centralize, integrate, and enrich guest information for personalized campaigns and seamless operations.
Daan de Bruijn
Jun 15, 2023
5 min
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As a hotel marketer, you understand the challenges of managing guest data across various systems and channels. And you are not the only one. In fact, a recent survey found that 73% of hotel marketers struggle with integrating data from different sources

Inaccurate or outdated guest data can have a significant impact on your marketing campaigns and guest experiences.  Research shows that personalised emails based on accurate guest data can generate up to 6 times higher transaction rates. Therefore, when communications are not personalised or use the wrong information, the results won’t be as good.
Picture this: you're launching a promotional email campaign, only to realise that a significant portion of the emails bounce back due to incorrect addresses. Not only does this waste resources, but it also damages your brand's reputation. How to change this? By using the right tool for your hotel marketing campaigns and using clean guest data in your operations.

Why and how to use clean guest data and a hospitality CRM? Here are 5 key functions of a CRM that you can apply in your marketing department

A CRM for hospitality acts as a central data library for all your guest data and merges information from various sources. By creating a unified view of guest profiles, a multi-channel CRM enables you to have all the relevant information in one place, which includes contact details, preferences, booking history, and communication interactions.
Believe it or not, making sure that your guest data is organised and structured in the right way is crucial not only for getting better results within the marketing department but also to save time, one of the main concerns of hotel marketers. In this sense, a hospitality CRM system is a key instrument to achieve your goals. 

Centralisation of Guest Data:

Think of a CRM as a one-stop hub for all your guest data. It brings together information from different sources such as your property management system (PMS), online travel agencies (OTAs), social media channels, and more. Let's say a guest updates their room preferences in the CRM. This information automatically syncs with the PMS, ensuring that the guest receives their preferred room type during their next stay. 
Moreover, by having a unified view of guest profiles, you can understand their preferences, such as whether they prefer a sea view or a city view. Armed with this knowledge, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that truly resonate with your guests, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. For instance, you can send personalised offers to guests who enjoy spa treatments or recommend local attractions to those interested in exploring the city.

Seamless Integration and Data Synchronisation:

A hospitality CRM software seamlessly integrates with other hotel systems, ensuring smooth data flow and synchronisation. This means that whenever a guest updates their information, it automatically reflects across all systems, eliminating the hassle of manual data entry or data inconsistencies. For example, if a guest changes their room preferences in the CRM, the PMS will have the updated information, enabling you to provide a personalised experience during their next stay.

Data Enrichment and Guest Insights:

One of the remarkable features of a CRM is its ability to enrich guest data. It can gather additional information from various sources such as social media profiles and online reviews. By incorporating these insights, you gain a deeper understanding of your guests' preferences, interests, and sentiments. This knowledge allows you to tailor your marketing campaigns to specific guest segments, effectively reaching the right audience with the right message.

Enhanced Targeting and Segmentation:

With a hotel CRM system, you can segment your guest database based on various criteria. Whether it's demographics, interests, or past behaviours, segmentation enables you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, you can send exclusive offers to guests who frequently book weekend getaways or promote spa services to guests who have shown interest in wellness activities. 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience. This shows that personalisation significantly improves engagement and conversion rates, ultimately boosting your hotel's revenue.

If you want to get more ideas on what audience to target for every campaign, read this article.

Personalised Communication and Offers:

A CRM empowers you to deliver personalised communication through targeted email campaigns, SMS notifications, and social media messaging. You can send customised offers and promotions to guests based on their preferences and past interactions with your hotel. Imagine a guest receiving an email with a special discount on their favourite room type or a personalised welcome message upon check-in. These personalised touchpoints enhance guest satisfaction, making them feel valued and appreciated.
To learn about how to personalise your communication with your guests,
download this guide to create a personalised guest journey step by step.

Finally, using a CRM and clean data will also have an effect in one of the most important areas for a hotel nowadays: loyalty. Today, loyalty is more important than ever for any hospitality business’ long-term success. 
And by utilising clean and reliable guest data, you can go the extra mile in providing personalised experiences and anticipating guest needs, turning their stay into a memorable moment, that exceeds their expectations. This will have a big influence on their loyalty level, leading to repeated bookings. Overall, clean guest data and seamless marketing are vital in today's hospitality industry. A CRM serves as the backbone of your marketing efforts, and it has become a tool that must be present within your tech stack if you want to achieve good results. 

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